...is not an elephant and not an animal! he is a human being!
Like many other beautiful movies, this movie is disturbing one way or another. Some people may find the gloomy atmosphere boring, some may get disturbed by the image of John Merrick, the elephant man, himself and some may get disturbed by all the people other than John Merrick.
Seing this movie just as "a freak's story" would be very disrespectful, especially to John Merrick.
I'm not going to summarize the movie, rather I would like to share my thoughts and feelings about it.
First I thought how hard it is to be like him and to be his mother. Later, I saw that he is not the one who is the freak. Finally, I saw that I am no different than other freaks that thinks better of themselves when they have someone to pity.
Accordingly my feelings followed this order: First I felt sorry for him; later I felt sorry for all the other people; finally, I felt sorry for myself.
There is one thing that made me feel good though. I may be like all others that may use others to look better but I can see that and be sorry for it. My gained awareness about this matter may be temporary as well. I may do the same mistake again and again without intending to do so. However, wisdom doesn't come at once. Personal growth is gradual. It is not just about a moment of enlightenment. On the other hand, some moments of awareness matter. They remind us what we are and force us to think.
Unfortunately, all that I said previously does not apply to all. All people like to resist thinking at times but some has it as a habit. They don't think indeed. They feel like it but they keep themselves from thinking. They can be very well functioning in their lives and may not want to harm that stable living with thinking. Indeed, they are afraid to think because they do not have the courage to do so.
I am happy just to know that I do think and like to do so. I love to think although it means to choose the hard way over denial. I like to take the hard way as it is the only way to be human and to be really me.
Back to the movie... I liked the movie as it forced me to see myself in that mirror Merrick looked into.
If you have the courage to face yourself (of course if you are able to do so) see this movie.
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